

Hi, my name is John T. Anderson. Welcome to my blog! I have been practicing law in California since 1975 and have been the Chairman of the Estate Planning and Probate Section of the Long Beach Bar Association since the mid-1980s. I'm also certified by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization as a specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law. On this blog, you will find articles written by me regarding estate planning and probate in California. Many of these articles address recent changes in the law and summaries of the Long Beach Bar Association’s Estate Planning and Probate Section meetings. I hope that you find these articles helpful. If you would like more information about me or my law office, please visit my website at or contact my office at 562.424.8619.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Upcoming Brown Bag Luncheon

Below is the notice of our upcoming Brown Bag lunch in Dept. 4.  Mr. Wisbaum has spoken to us before and he has great insights into one of the alarming and growing problems in our society today...the abuse of our elders.

Also, we may expect an update from Judge Paul on the impending transfer of all Probate Dept. matters (except maybe Lancaster and a few select conservatorship cases) to Los Angeles Central Court between now and the end of June.  A lot to be worked out between now and then.  They will be adding a Judge to their full-time staff of 3 judges to bring them to four.  Numerous Courthouses are to be closed.  Yes, entire courthouses.  So a lot is happening and our world will be changing.  See you at the meeting if you want to stay on top of this.  

                                              John T. Anderson, Section Chair
                                              Certified Specialist in Probate, Trust and Estate Planning
                                              By the California State Bar Board of Legal Specialization


WHEN:        Thursday, December 6, 2012 – Noon to 1:00 P.M.

                415 W. Ocean Blvd.
                Long Beach, CA 90802

TOPIC:        Elder Abuse Issues

SPEAKER:    Keith D. Wisbaum, Esq.
                                       Robinson & Wisbaum

MCLE:        1 hour credit & specialist Credit

C:\Users\John's LT\Documents\Work\Website\Articles for Website\Word Version of Articles From Lisa\2012.11.23 Upcoming Brown Bag and More.docx